Blader Advertenties in Boeken > E-Books

732 advertenties gevonden. Showing results 221 to 240
toon Hermans - Verzamelde versjes kr132

toon Hermans - Verzamelde versjes kr132

Verkäufer (0)


Thomas' Calculus in Si Units 9781292089799

ISBN: 9781292089799This text is designed for a three-semester or four-quarter calculus course (math, engineering, and science majors). Thomas\' Calculus, Thirteenth Edi...

Verkäufer (0)


IMMM712 (vpe=18) Squared notebook p classic 9788883701023

ISBN: 9788883701023\'The Moleskine Pocket Squared Notebook\' is bound in cardboard, with a \'moleskine\' cover having rounded corners and an elastic enclosure. The 192 ...

Verkäufer (0)


Intercultural Communication : A Reader 9781285965987

ISBN: 9781285965987This eye-opening reader explores how communication values and styles can be similar or different for members of various cultures and communities. INT...

Verkäufer (0)


Basic interviewing skills 9781577660200

ISBN: 9781577660200Interviewing skills are not simple motor skills. Rather, they involve a high-order combination of observation, empathic sensitivity, and intellectual...

Verkäufer (0)


Social Media Management(e-book) 9789001880057

ISBN: 9789001880057Van dit artikel (9789001880057 / Social Media Management(e-book)) is nog geen omschrijving beschikbaar.Dit artikel bestel je voordelig 2e hands op st...

Verkäufer (0)


Web social science: concepts, data and tools 9781849204828

ISBN: 9781849204828\'Although written simply enough to be accessible to undergraduates, accomplished scholars are likely to appreciate it too. Reading it taught me quit...

Verkäufer (0)


Ebook o.a.: Productiviteitstips - Elektronica voor kids

Ebook officieel uit de serie \'Voor Dummies\' o.a.:De kleine Productiviteitstips voor Dummies (eBook) € 7,99 Aan de slag met elektronica voor kids voor Dummies...

Verkäufer (0)


Child, Family, School, Community : 9781305544734

ISBN: 9781305544734The best-selling CHILD, FAMILY, SCHOOL, COMMUNITY: SOCIALIZATION AND SUPPORT, now in its Tenth Edition, offers an excellent introduction to socializa...

Verkäufer (0)


Cases, materials and text property law 9781841137506

ISBN: 9781841137506This casebook presents a deep comparative analysis of property law systems in Europe (ie the law of immovables, movables and claims), offering signpo...

Verkäufer (0)


Biological psychology 9781305465299

ISBN: 9781305465299Dr. James W. Kalat\'s BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY is the most widely used text in the course area, and for good reason: an extremely high level of scholars...

Verkäufer (0)


What If: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd 9781848549579

ISBN: 9781848549579THE SUNDAY TIMES NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER From the creator of the wildly popular, hilarious and informative answers to important questions you ...

Verkäufer (0)


Middas dekkers - de mandril en andere beesten kr102

Middas dekkers - de mandril en andere beesten kr102

Verkäufer (0)


Murach's JavaScript and jQuery 9781943872053

ISBN: 9781943872053Today, you will find JavaScript and jQuery used everywhere on the web, from small individual sites to the largest commercial sites like Google, Amazo...

Verkäufer (0)


Power System Analysis and Design, SI Edition 9781305887732

ISBN: 9781305887732Today\'s readers learn the basic concepts of power systems as they master the tools necessary to apply these skills to real world situations with POW...

Verkäufer (0)


Exploring science 8 (+ cd-rom) 9781405895439

ISBN: 9781405895439We listened to what teachers liked about Exploring Science textbooks and made them even more accessible for your pupils * the most age-appropriate li...

Verkäufer (0)


Innovatiemanagement(e-book) 9789001878818

ISBN: 9789001878818Van dit artikel (9789001878818 / Innovatiemanagement(e-book)) is nog geen omschrijving beschikbaar.Dit artikel bestel je voordelig 2e hands op studys...

Verkäufer (0)


Isabel allende - het woud van de Pygmeeen kr110

Isabel allende - het woud van de Pygmeeen kr110

Verkäufer (0)


wilbur smith - het koningsgraf en Vallei der koningen kr129

wilbur smith - het koningsgraf en Vallei der koningen 2x kr129

Verkäufer (0)


Advanced Paediatric Life Support: the 9781444330595

ISBN: 9781444330595This international bestselling book on acute paediatric care is thecoursebook for the Advanced Life Support Group s AdvancedPaediatric Life Support (...

Verkäufer (0)